One should live...
where one's soul is in harmony--
where it is in accord
with its surroundings.
Harmony can sometimes be
a consolation.
I didn't realize
you were so unhappy.
I know that living here
isn't the solution.
Right now,
I'm torn between two places...
that pull me with equal force.
Ifl choose one place,
even temporarily...
I feel guilty toward the other one.
With time, a guilty conscience
turns into sadness.
I'm sory that I can't helpyou.
What doyou do
when sadness overwhelms you?
I go down to the village
to look for a woman...
and I snuggle up to her.
One ofthem is sweet
and she likes me a lot.
When I'm sad I send for her...
and I lie down beside her.
That warm, damp flesh...
those soft hairs--
All ofa sudden...
a terrible pain crosses my chest.
Then I thank heaven
and I fall asleep.
Ifl have the bad luck
to wake in the night...
and find her at my side...
the sadness I feel then,
nothing can make it go away.