Musíme si pomáhat

I can remember once--
Today we all just
laugh about it.

Today, I've simply accepted you.
We need to help each other.
I was in troubl eyesterday.

Tomorrow it might beyou.
Especially, if you treat
the law on hoarding likeyou do.

That'd mean prison, Marie.
But it's delicious.

- Nothing will be forgotten.
- Hey, cut it out. Kindly stop it.

See how he stares at me?
Don't stare.
- Please, Wurs-- Horst.
- Thanks. I've had enough.

You think I don't notice
how some people avoid me?

How they cross to
the other side of the street?

That's their business.
What have I done to them?
To anybody?

I'm helping decent people.
Is that a sin?
No, it's not a sin.
Everybody just talks about
helping, gabs and gabs.

This means helping to me.
- So you're actually a hero.
- What do you mean hero?
