Somebody around here's gonna
be having a birthday pretty soon.
You been thinking about
how you want to celebrate?
A party maybe?
Will, your mother
asked you a question.
Stop. You're lucky to have
that food, with the rationing.
Would you like a party?
I guess.
I picked these up today
at Carr's drugstore.
You can't very well have a party
without guests, now can you?
After supper, you fill them out and
give them to your friends tomorrow.
Like who?
What about John Abner?
He's 5. He still wets his pants.
There are plenty of children
who would love to attend your party.
Your mother went to a lot
of trouble to get invitations.
And you will fill them out.
Can I be excused?
Yes, you may.
Don't forget your invitations.
What are we gonna do?
He's gonna be so lonely without Dink.
Maybe we should reconsider
what we talked about before.
Absolutely not.
We've been over this already.
It is not a good idea.
Not for Will, not now.
He is still too young.
-Y'all be careful.
-All right, we will!