Twenty-four, 32,
hut, hut!
Pass it. Here, I'm open!
Goofball can't even catch!
Time to come in.
Why didn't you catch it,
you big titty-baby?
Let me see it.
I can't believe that titty-baby lives
right next door to Dink Jenkins.
What a waste!
Here, let me help you.
They say this is what all the dapper
young men in Memphis are wearing.
Thank you, Grandma.
Huck Finn! Thank you, Grandpa!
There's cussing in it.
A pocketknife!
Relax, worry-boy.
It's just fingernail clippers.
It does have a blade, though.
Thank you, Aunt Maggie.
This one's from me.
It was mine when I was a boy.