I'm so sorry about what happened.
Did you ever get your birthday present
taken away from you?
Your father just doesn't think
you're quite ready for a dog yet.
I am ready to have a dog. I'm 9.
Lots of kids younger
than me have dogs.
Ralph Atkinson. He's only 3.
He has two dogs, a cat and bird.
He can stick his head
in the dog's mouth.
That's impressive.
I can take care of a dog, Mom.
Really, I can.
You just be a big boy
about this, okay?
He'll be fine.
I don't think so.
You know...
...if anybody here
deserves to be angry, it's me.
You went behind my back.
You didn't give me any choice.
I tried to reason with you.
-That was dishonest.
-You want to talk about honesty?
Then you tell the truth.
-Why don't you want him to have a dog?
-I already told you.
He's a little boy,
and a dog is a big responsibility.
He's not a baby. He's a
responsible boy who needs a friend.
And what happens when
he becomes attached to that dog?
Learns to love it?