You missed!
Throw it higher.
If I throw any harder,
I'll break the window.
I bet he's asleep.
What is it, boy?
-He probably sleeps with teddy bears.
-I hate teddy bears.
-Or with his mom.
-Bet he's still got his baby blanket.
There he is.
Nice pajamas.
Come on down.
I better not.
Don't make me come up there
and get you, "Wilma" .
Little baby!
I'll be right down.
Bring that Kraut stuff.
And the dog.
And clean underwear,
if you scare easy.
It's you, Skip.
You scared me there, boy.
Go on back to bed.
Go on.
Big Boy.
Where y'all at?
You want to be one of us?