Maybe. I mean...
...I guess.
Then you gotta pass the test.
Where are we going?
You know who's buried here,
don't you?
My uncle's buried here.
No, stupid.
The witch.
The witch of Yazoo.
That's just an old wives' tale.
That's what you think, buster.
She was a genuine witch.
Everybody knows she used to lure men
to her house to kill them.
Why, she even let her cats...
...Iick their bones
after she got done with them.
That is, until she got killed herself.
You sure you wanna be one of us?
I guess.
One night, a boy about our age...
...Iooked through her window...
...and what he saw
chilled him right to the bone.
He saw her murder two men
with her bare hands.
The boy ran and told the cops...
...and they got up a posse and chased
that witch into Miller's swamp.
Before they could catch her,
she got stuck in quicksand.
And slowly, as she sank
in the quicksand...
...she swore two things:
...one day she'd rise up from the
grave and burn down the whole town!
And the other thing she swore was...
...she'd find that boy who ratted
on her and drag him down to hell!