-Any of y'all heard of Waldo Grace?
Waldo Grace. Colored boy.
They say he's better than Dink.
You shut up.
They say he's good at every sport.
Let me tell you.
Nobody around here
can beat Dink at nothing.
Especially no colored boy.
I'd like to see how good he is.
Who's that man with the black mask?
He doesn't belong to the special army.
After him, men!
Uncle Sam is looking
for a few good...
That's right.
Some ofAmerica's bravest soldiers
salute by wagging their tails.
Yankee Doodle doggies from all over...
...have dedicated their lives
to winning the war.
Members of the Army's
crack K-9 Corps...
...undergo a training as rigorous
as that of our fighting men.
Take that, Adolf!
We're not pulling your leg.
We mean business!
But not all of our four-legged
Gls make it home.
Even the youngsters do their part.
Para-pups, they're called,
and they aid our boys in the air.
Who says dogs can't fly?
Safe and sound on the ground.
Another successful mission.