Naked States

It is mine that
somebody even surround

I find a way
disregarding others

Because me know
that is the art of human

Follow this guest
to squeeze in rush

Demonstrate all glamour
that my self poss

Change location
See work opposite
side face to face

It is very good
Just like me,
it is a sculpture

Me also like
I think that this is
very important

What is most important is
that you work

survival is the ability of

Can exercise yourself
in practising

I like those life
that has challenge

How do you want
talent to make these

I also need magazine
Say, this one
Especially concerning this type
But hope to dream
for one day can become

Manage a magazine
picture bookshop

Do not be all magazines very good
I feel that magazine
will have the charac

But is so best that
join some things that

You have to know
some persons or...

It can be read here
just that you reach

These owned will pass
a lot of program
