Naked States

E, is very glad and
see you very glad see

We can begin
Are you outside this?
All right,
so glad you have come

I say for my self
that this is the artist

My very pleased this
Thanks, you sink for
this what objection

E, not,
it is very pleased

I have performed
various postures

Feel that is very pleased
It is also very excited
When I put on,

I want to continue our
performance very

Can so let me more happy
It is done so that
I still hope to be

Real me very happy
Is me on board time
I want to say for you
that I love you

I love you, I hate you,
I love you, I hat

If have person,
it is in a beautiful

I can block her to
take a picture

You know that that
however best natural

In coast in forest
It is that however
the most natural most

There is artistic
effect very much

The thing owned is

Do not need
what to decorate

Therefore what I now
need to do is that

We seek along
work highway

Tomorrow nun A wave
advantage Si

Think of the final
condition that we
