We arrive here
It is opened fire
wantonly that thousands
Prepare to burn out
that huge bone Lou
We prepare to take action
For is, we begin!
This scene is the
result of our huge effo
Call a individuals
together just shoot
In this me will be
grateful to participat
As they show,
wholehearted thanks
Here, people
take off clothing
Step Kerr
Do not be for money
I think, is important
to be them to know
This is present
international trend and
Him for me say you think so do?
In shelf Fei think
park meteorology Taiwa
Me say can,
because I like
You know that I do
not be a person with
But I like to participate in
These me do not mind,
because it is arti
Therefore we do not
be in charge of what
You know that
this is enough
Si guest squeeze
in do is this tendency