Forgotten to wash outagain?
Maria slept at
Vivianne`s and KG`s place.
Sleep well , sweetheart!
-Trying the weddingdress on . . .
-Samantha Fox!
Vivianne! Just as beautiful as ever!
Like mother like child .
-You`re too late for both .
-Did you invite dad?
-Oh là là! Victoria `s Secrets...
He`s an alcoholic!
He "dbe so happy! You know
he `s having such a hardtime.
Darth Vaderat Luke Skywalker`s
Wedding, quite unlikely...
l could call him .
l won `thave him
destroying my wedding!
Don`t invite him ! You hear me!
l`ve got to go to work now. Bye!
Bye! Give my love to Maria.
-Don`t be too hard on Anders.
lmetMaria twoyears ago.
-A flattire?!
Andtomorrowl`mgetting married!
Do lreallly wantthat?Andbabies?
-How many spare tires do you have?
-Little RedRiding Hood!
On your way to work. . .?
Get in and l`ll drive you there.
The wet dream ROSlTA
is just an ordinary girl-
-who studies, feeds her cat,
and works on the side.
Maria, this is Rosita.
She`llbe ournanny-
-andlearn our children howto read
andcountand... clean the windows.
Do you think they love each other?
ls Anders` love for Maria real?
Anders isyoung, itis true,
-butjustgive him a fewyears and
he`llbe agreatassetto the firm.
Love is no investment, KG.
Don `tsaythat.
You`re mybestinvestment.