nice colors, yellowandblack.
Learn to crawl, learn to walk
Learn to love AlK!
The elevator!
-Hello. . .hi . . .
-Hi , mate.
l`ve neverseen thatguybefore.
Hi, myname is Anders.
l"dlike to borrowsome clothes.
l`mgetting marriedtoday.
Whileyou`regetting the clothes,
mayluse the bathroom?
Hi , l was wondering
if l could use your. . .phone.
And the bathroom , if that`s okay.
-No, just get out of here.
-Please. . .
"Get out ofhere?"
Hi !
l was wondering . . .
Relax, justmingle...
-Hi , l`ve got no clothes.
-And you`d like to borrow mine?
Well , no, l`m getting married today
and that`s why. . .
-Poor bride!
-Let me buy your shirt.
l don`t take American Express.
l`m not poor. l`ll pay you tomorrow.
lneedtogo to the bathroom.
l`mgetting marriedin fourhours.
Hello, l`m with Jehovah `s witnesses.
l`m on my own todayand...
Maybeyou"dgive a contribution for
the benefit ofthe...nakedchildren.