What can we do?
Where did he go?
-Shouldn`t we tell Maria?
-lt`s not our fault!
lf he can`t hold it, he shouldn`t drink.
-He`ll turn up, right?
Good old Anders!
He`ll thank us for saving him from
the wedlock`s fucking irons.
l`m surprised at Anders.
He`s like that at work, too - always
giving all the shit to the others. . .
Al K, Al K, Al K!
-l support Al K, too.
-What`s this? Where did you get this?
-l`m getting married . That`s why. . .
-He nicked all of it!
A wog , too?
-He dyed his hair!
-l`m Swedish , for sure!
-This seat is for disabled people.
-Are you disabled?
You`re getting off!
Once l wantedto be a cop.
They`re luckylturnedto advertising.
Maria! Maria!
Five ants are more than one elephant.
-Great! Hi . Anders Karlsson .
-Ernie. . .
-Hell , what a day!
-You`re not the only one.
l ended up in an animal transportation
and l missed my wedding .