-And when will you have children?
-Pretty soon , l think.
Anders simplyadores children!
Oh, yeah!
Thumb, forefinger, middle finger...
1 00 000 on a single ticket!
Soccer, beer and babes!
-Okay, give me some money!
-No, then l`ll have everyone after me!
l know, but l`m going to. . .
l think l`m getting married . Give me. . .
Why not?
Don`t be so fucking greedy!
Ring finger, little finger...
lstillgotsome brains!
-Butit`s Saturdayagain....
-You , stop! You hear?
1 9-1 0 to 70, come in !
A naked man has stolen a car.
For you !
A, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n,
o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, x, y, z, å, ä, ö.
Well, lstillknowthat, too.
Get the thief!
-The car?
-Stop him !
-Someone took the car!
-Stop the thief!
No one knewit was Whoopi`s car!
ljustborrowedit. lhate thieves!
-Shut up! That`s what l`m doing !
A ticket to Sånga Church , please.
Seven fare stages, that`s 49 crowns.
25 crowns.
That`s expensive.
l`m just getting over the bridge.
Two then , 1 4 crowns.
l`ll ting-a-ling on the bridge. . .