Hi !
Hi , there! Hi !
Get out of my way!
ls it Saturday today?
lf so, l`m getting married .
Can`t you help me?
Thanks, God ! Fucking thanks!
Lookinggood, lookinggay
Hi , there!
Hi , Knutsson !
Just over the bridge.
-1 4 crowns.
-Oh, shit!
Aren`t you Anders? Great!
-Juststay cool.
l thought you were a guy
from my class in school .
l`ve never seen you before.
What school would that be?
You`re just a bus driver.
Have a nice trip!
First stop after the bridge. . .
l`m getting off now!
-Pernilla, are you coming with us?
-Yes, please.
-Hi .
-Hi .
-l`m getting married , that`s why.
-Okay. . .
No, wait! l`m here!