Hi ! l`m doing the balloon dance. . .
What do you say? Not bad , right?
You don`t want to see all of it?
Hi , have you seen
a thing like this before?
-No, not such a small one!
-Hey. . .
Listen . . .
The balls are okay! Nice ass!
What are you doing? Look here. . .
Baby, come and get me!
Radio News.:A nakedman
stole from a three-year-old...
Theparents "association is furious.
-No, begone!
-``Begone?`` What do you mean?
This is God speaking .
-Where are you off to?
-To buy a lottery ticket.
No, now it`s my turn !
A lottery ticket, please.
My sign . . .?
Now who`s going to save the world?
1 00 000 on a single ticket!
Taxi !
Keep it!
-Hi , take me to a clothing store.
-No, l don`t drive nudists in my car.
-l`ll give you 1 000 crowns!
-No way! l don`t drive nudists.
-2 000!
My sign . . .