You had enough time
to get yourself together.
I don't believe this.
I told that boy to put that hose away
and cut that grass.
Look at that grass.
Stanley's grass look good.
Mrs.Johnson's grass look good.
But look at my grass. No!
When that boy get out of my house...
I'm gonna change my number.
Craig! Craig!
Come on out of that house!
Oh, damn!
Goodness gracious.
What's goin' on?
Use that brick
to break that chain.
You think it's the same brick
Craig knocked your ass out with?
Get out of here, you stupid mutt!
- Here I come.
- Will you bring your ass!
Come on! You got me trying
to break a chain with a brick?
Let's go get some pussy, Debo.
Fuck! Shit, man.
Shut up! I got some unfinished business
to deal with, and your butt gonna wait.
What's the matter?
I fell in some mud,
and it's all your fault.
- How is it my fault?
- You're taking all day.
And I told you to put that hose away
and cut that grass.
I didn't drop you on your head
when you were a kid.
Maybe your grandmother did.
I remember the summer of'75--
I didn 't want to leave
my neighbourhoodat all...
especially my homeboy Smokey.
But he went to rehab last month.
And the way he smoke,
ain 't no tellin' when he gettin 'out.
Gonna sure miss him.
I hate you, man.
Here come that dog truck.
Shut your mouth.
We're about to fade to black.
Get your ass out the car, Craig!
This is the rematch!
Think you can beat on my big brother
and get away with it?