- OK, 20º%.
- 50/50º%.
No fucking way, I'd kill you first. 25º%.
Without me, you are left outside.
I'm not Sandler, and you
really need the dough.
30º%, that's it, minus expenses.
Do you know Entre Ríos?
Mum would never leave there.
She always says: A Meckler stays
in the land where he was born.
Meckler? ls she related to
Rabi Meckler, of Basavilbaso?
Her cousin,
I am his nephew.
Vidal Gandolfo will be at
the hotel the whole afternoon..
The ordered drinks for 3:30 PM.
How will you approach him?
I don't know.
- We must think of something.
- Think fast.
He's leaving tomorrow.
You don't have much time.
We. I mean, you could contribute
with 30º% of an idea.
How are you, dear Marcos?
I'm sorry, Washington.
We are busy.
Marcos, it'll take you longer to dismiss me
than to check the goods I have for you.
You are right.
What do you have?
Whatever you want.
National, Buenos Aires,
Córdoba, Cooperative...
- Third parties?
- And blank checks.
I have some complete check
books, if you want.
What I want is for you to leave.
Don't you want to make a gift?
You could impress your loved ones.
Nothing better than a Paraguayan
Rolex to impress your loved ones.
And you, young man?
Anything else?
Perfumes, clothing,
imported sneakers?
Computer software, paintings,
electronic goods?
I have an excellent Japanese
motorbike, with minor damages.
What damages?
A hole in the tank.