You're alwaysyapping about it.
You won't neverlet up !
Forget it !
You're like a broken record.
Ever time I turn around,
''Clesius, how you feeling now ?''
''You got the groove now ?''
Ever time I walk in the room,
I don't even wanna hear it. you shake your ass,
tring to get me stimulated.
Go to sleep, please.
Let it happen naturally.
Never mind, Clesius !
Never mind !
I mean, I'm sorry to yell and scream, but you got
too much pressure on me !
You want tenderness ?
Ease up on the pressure.
Too muchpressure forme.
Slowit down, lsaac.
No, no, baby, l'm overhere.
Now, there they go.
Now, you're fine now.
lsaac, you're a champion.
That's your old-ass mother.
Hey !
My mama has a healthy libido.
Gotta slowit down !
lain 't taking nobody
to the emergency room tonight!
Somebody break their leg,
gonna stay broke this time.
lsaac! Bingo. Pokeno.
Professor? Professor?
Hey, Professor!
Wake up.
Oh. Oh, Jason.
My God, what happened ?
[ Grunting ]
I had to get rid of Buddy.
What ?
He had to go.
You could've killed yourself.
I mean, who knows ?
This could affect your coordination,
your neurological system.
It could even affect your intelligence. We don't
even know if this is gonna work.
Only one way to fii nd out.
Okay, Sherman,
what is this about ?
l'm so glad you came.
You know, I almost didn't come.
Well, l'm awful glad you did.
Listen to me, Denise.