You know, fireflies,
when they're searchingfor a mate,
the way they findone another
is they emit apheromone,
and I've synthesized it
into a spray form.
Wait a minute.
You brought me out here for an experiment ?
Denise, wait, please !
Just hear me out !
Please, don't leave.
Sherman, why did you act
that way the other night ?
Well, Denise,
when I found out that you might
be leaving, it just got me all messed up inside.
I said some things
I really didn't mean at all.
lt was-- lt was like
there was another person inside me...
who didn't appreciate
how wonderful you are to me
and how special you are to me.
But thatside of me is gone now.
l got rid of that person forever.
You'l l never see that ugly face again.
l just want you to know that for sure.
That's why l wanted you to come out here tonight.
Just- Just bear with me,
Hope my little friends
might be able to...
say it better than me.
Yes, Sherman Klump,
I will.
Will you really ?
Really ?
Yes. I will.
I really will.
You will ?
Yeah !
Yeah !
Yeah, yeah, yeah !
Come on, Buster.
Time to go home.
That's right. That's right.
Time to go home.
Now wait. Sit.
Good boy.
Wait for Uncle ''J.''