You're finally
gonna get some.
~ Tell me something good ~
Whoo !
~ Tell me that you
love me, yeah ~
Come on now,
dance with me, girl.
You look fantastic.
lf you two can stop
getting all jiggy with it,
perhaps I can give you something
to really celebrate. Oh, yes, sir.
Yes, Dean, what's that ?
Oh, nothing much.
A letter from Phleer Pharmaceuticals, largest
drug company in the world.
I told them about your little discover, and they
made a preemptive offer.
Not too shabby, eh ?
A hundred and fiifty
million dollars !
[ Laughing ]
Oh, my God, Sherman !
A hundred and fiifty million dollars !
Oh, my goodness.
lsn 't that wonderful?
Now, remember, that money belongs to Wellman.
All you have to do is prove to Phleer the formula
works at the press conference I set up.
Yeah ! Of-Of course.
$150 million-- my mind's all scribble-scrabble.
Oh, Mama, lcan't wait
to see what she looks like
in my old wedding dress.
I can't wait to see, Mama.
She gonna--
Oh !
[Clapping Hands]
Oh, seeing you in that dress
take me right back to the time l got married.
- It's beautiful.
- Oh, you look wonderful.
Show Mama what you look like.
Mama, look at this.
Oh, you look so lovely.
Oh, be careful now.
She looks fabulous in it, don't she, Mama ? Look at her.
Denise, you still remember what I told you
about marital relations ?
Oh, Mama. Denise, look.
Try this pie.
I made it with Snickers.
Now, don't be shy.
Come on over here.
Oh, that's pretty.
Okay, if you get bored with your man,
it's perfectly okay topicture
someone else's headon his body.
Right. Ooh, you got
a little waist, girl.
That's right. That gentleman,
Stone Phillips, on NBC.
You know, Granny, I really don't think
I need to do that.