~~~Nutty, nutty, nutty
my love for you~~~
~~~lcan't believe
my dreams come true~~~
~~~l've finally foundsomebody
whose heart is true~~~
~~~And best of all is you're
nutty, nutty, nutty forme~~~
~~~ Whoa, whoa
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa~~~~~~
Well, well, well, we've seen quite a bit
ofeach othertoday.
Now strip down to your shorts. Right.
l suppose you thought l was gonna object to
a strip search, didn't you, Chief?
Keep your clothes on, please.
Don't nobody wanna see that!
Here's my wallet. Why don't you
check foryourself?
[Buddy Continues Cackling]
Yeah, hold that stomach in,
Robert !
What's his problem ?
I don't know,
but enough is enough.
Excuse me, sir.
Young man, will you please
keep it down just a little bit
'cause we're trying to watch--
Just when you thought
it was safe to go back
to the theaters.
Hello, fat ass !
[ Cackling ]
Maybe we should get going.
I don't feel too good all of a sudden. Let's go.
Come on, let's go somewhere else.
Sherman, who was that ?
- I don't know. I didn't really get a good look at him.
- Sherman ! Sherman Klump !
You still been
hitting them Happy Meals.
You haven't changed an inch.
You remember me-- Buddy Love.
We used to both chase that girl,
Carla, at the same time.
- You ever hit that ?
- Miss Purty and I were just friends.
''Just friends''--
I guess that means you didn't hit it, huh ?
Who's your new friend ?
She sure is fii ne. Yes, fii ne.
What's your name ?
Sherman, suddenly
I don't feel so well.
Can we leave, please ?
Yes, let's go, please.
Can I talk to Sherman for one
second ? Then you can have him.
One second, please. l gotta talk to you.
We gonna have a little boy talk.
Excuse us. Sherman, how you doing, baby ?
What do you want here ?
A little respect.
You left me all by myself in that test tube...
without a card or a letter,
and now I want a divorce.
And this is a community property state,
so I want my share.
Want your share of what ?
The youth formula we invented !
You mean, the youth formula that I invented.
Oh, no way, Buddy, no way.
- Who you grounding, fat boy ?
You grounding me ?
- l haven't grounded--
- I was hoping we could do this like gentlemen.
- Come on, Sherman.
You're gonna make me do something
nasty to you, Sherman. I'll do something nasty.
Sherman !
See you soon, Sherman !