Sherman !
Sherman !
What the hell
are you looking at ?
Oh, thank you, Sherman.
What else did I get from Sherman ?
What does this say ?
''Phleer Pharmaceuticals.''
$150 mill-- $150 million.
I think Buddy's going shopping.
Professor, I got here as fast as I could.
I've got to hide this formula
before Buddy gets to it. Good idea.
I found something
I think you should look at.
When I left here last night, everthing was fii ne.
I mean, this was not here.
Good Lord. Buddy must've recombined from the genomic
sequence I extracted.
This doesn't make any sense.
He's just a fragment
of genetic information.
He's nothing without a strand of DNA
to graft himself onto.
Where-Where did he get it ?
Just a second here.
Buster !
Thank you so much.
Leanne Guilford.
President of Acquisitions.
Buddy Love, president of Love Industries.
Allergies ?
No. Do you have a dog ?
Yes, I do-- a Yorkie.
She's driving me crazy
right now.
- Bitch.
- Excuse me.
It's a female dog that you have,
and she's in heat, right ? Yes. How did you know that ?
Let's just say I have
a sixth sense about those things. Is this her ?
Yeah, little Courtney.
[ Clears Throat ]
Ooh, nasty.
Mr. Love, maybe we'd better
do this another time.
No, this is the perfect time.
Let's do this right now. This is the perfect time
to talk about my youth formula.
We are already committed to purchasing
Professor Klump's formula.
Oh, Professor Klump's formula ?
That's if it works.
Let's just that although he's a brilliant scientist,
at times, he can be unstable.