Leon got
one of them penis pumps.
Penis pumps ?
What'd he do with it ? Mm-hmm.
- Supposed to pump it up or something.
- Does it work ?
Just on the tip.
Now that thing look
like a portabello mushroom.
- [ Laughing ]
- Isaac all natural.
Soon as I walk in the room,
You know,
l'm thinking about having
a little work done myself.
The other day,
I got out the shower,
and I bent down
to reach for a towel,
and I felt a sharp pain
in my chest.
Shot through my chest
and up around my back, down my spine.
I thought, ''Oh, Lord.''
I thought I was dying.
I bent over and looked,
and I was standing
on my own titty.
You ain't have to get
no breast reduction.
Just be more careful.
- Both feet too.
Both feet on it.
- [ Continues Laughing ]
All right, what the hell
you old hens cackling about ?
You ready to go ?
No, not quite.
I'll be ready in a minute.
She still got to set up a few more minutes.
Have some more wine, girl.
Ooh, girl,
I don't know if I should.
I already had two glasses.
Oh, go on, live a little.
Make your hair look better.
- Have mercy.
- Yeah,just like lfigured.
You sit up here all day,
getting sloshed and talking
about us men.
- Clesius, have you ever heard
the expression, ''mercy hump'' ?
- Say what ?
'Cause that's what you been
getting all these years--
mercy humps.
- Stop it.
- You out your goddamn mind.
Let me tell you something.
He ain't got nothing
but a limp doodle.
[ Laughing ]
- Gotta get ya.
Clesius !
Oh, look what you've done! Oh.
- Ah--
- You girls are crazy. I'm leaving.
Oh, Clesius, Clesius, wait !
Clesius ! Oh, Clesius !
I don't believe it.
Clesius, I only told her 'cause
she got so much experience in sexual matters.
I ain't nothing but a big
damn joke to you, ain't I ?
Tell the whole world !
Her husband ain't nothing
but a big ol' pile
of worth less crap !
Clesius !
Clesius !