You son of a bitch.
Come on.
Let's go.
Man: We got him, sir.
We got the bomber.
It's Casper, sir.
This is the ninth embassy
he's bombed in two years.
He's got a lot of blood
on his hands.
- I want him out of there, immediately.
- It's taken care of, sir.
I've contacted the closest extraction
team. They can be there in six hours.
They'll chopper him to Stuttgart,
and jet him out of there.
It's too risky.
We're dealing with the world's
leading terrorist.
His people are already looking
for him.
there is another way, sir.
The navy's got a sub in the area.
Some sort of maneuvers.
Jack Shaw is the captain, sir.
Didn't we send him there to keep
him away from any real assignments
- until his time was served?
- Yes, sir. That's been the condition
of his continuation since
he grounded his last submarine.
Is there any good news?
Not really, sir.
There was only one survivor.
A young agent named Turner.
He's an analyst, really--
political trends,
- economic assessments--
- You mean "The coffee boy."
Turner's got no legitimate
field experience,
but if you wanna move now,
he's all we've got.
Get a hold of Turner.
Make him feel good.
Tell him he's gonna add
a new chapter to his resume.