Sir. . .?
Mr. Brickman. . .
take us down.
Go silent.
You heard the man.
Full power.
Let's hope these rudders
hold up.
Excuse me, Captain.
I hate to point this out,
but now might be a good time
to call for help.
I'm aware of our situation,
and while I appreciate your
concern. . .
it's best if you took care of
your business
while I take care of mine.
Look, Shaw, I know your game.
I know all about you.
Oh, really?
We're obviously in trouble.
Now is not the time to try to be a hero.
What the hell do you think
you know about that?
I ntercom: Agent Turner,
report to the brig.
Agent Turner,
report to the brig.
I'll be right there.
Hey, Brickman,
is there any way. . .
I can get a copy
of those tapes from the divers?
Why don't you talk
to the Captain?
No, listen,
I think I can help here.
Hey, lady,
in case you haven't noticed,
we just lost a couple
of good men out there.
And if you haven't noticed,
you need all the help you can get,