If you want him to live,
just take the keys
and unlock me.
Don't do it, sir.
I'm ready to die.
nobody needs to die.
Check this out, sir.
I still see it-- there.
Mr. Brickman. . .
300 meters, Captain.
- 20 knots and climbing.
- 20 knots, confirmed.
What about a little loop-the-loop?
Confuse the mother.
It's moving into position.
Come on, come on.
We got it.
There. Right there.
- Mr. Brickman, ready the mines.
- Aye, aye, sir.
you are not gonna believe this.
I enhanced the videotape
from Lopez and Lucas,
and as far as I can tell,
we're dealing with some kind
of giant sea creature.
That makes my plan a lot easier.
What plan?
We're gonna
blow it out of the water.
This thing is getting better
by the minute.
Thatta boy.
I see there's hope
for you yet.
- Sir, 200 meters and closing.
- Primed and ready.
And. . . deploy.
- 1 75 meters.
- Mines away!
- 1 25 and closing.
- Detonate.
- Come on. . .
- Finch: Did we get it?
Yes! We've got it, sir.
It's disappeared off the sonar.
You are our man.
You're a very bad man!
I'm a bad man.
I'm a bad man.
I shook up the world!
Mr. Brickman,
maintain closing speed.