What is this?
It's your tip.
( creaking )
So get this--
based on its size and speed,
there is no scientific explanation
for the thing that hit us.
But we know it's out there
and that it's not too friendly.
You're making
an assumption, Captain.
It lives here. You drove a nuclear
sub through its living room.
If I get the opportunity,
I'll blow it to bits
and then you can open your own
sushi restaurant.
What if someone walked
into your home
and pissed
on your carpet?
Forgive me for being upset,
but if you haven't noticed,
we're stuck at a depth
that, well. . .
few men get the opportunity
to experience unless. . .
they're about to die.
I just lost two men today,
two very good men. . .
Did the noise wake you?
We were attacked by an underwater
creature of some kind.
I'm still trying
to figure. . .
When you're finished
with your briefing,
- I'll be down in the engine--
- I don't need this right now.
It's about time
we stopped playing games
with the rookie agent, okay?
Casper's gone, and you've got
a dead sailor on your hands.
- What do you mean?
- He's escaped, he's gone!
That was your responsibility.
It was your prisoner!
You better be lying!
I hate to bear bad news,
but I'm out of my element.
I'm not a field agent,
I'm certainly not an escort.
I didn't even ask
for this assignment,
so I apologize if things
aren't going quite as planned.
I'm assuming the same
can be said about yourself.
And would you please stop
calling me "Special Agent"?
Agent Turner. . .
you've just been presented
with an opportunity.
Do you want to go hide in
the closet or do something about it?