Come on, that's all you got?
Come on!
Come on!
Gimme some more!
That's all you got?!
( screaming )
Let me through.
Oh, my God!
- They're trapped.
- Do something. Come on.
I can't get it open!
- Oh, God!
- They're gonna die in there!
H urry, go.
Get out of here.
What are you talking about?
If I open this door, we're in trouble.
This section will flood.
Casper: Listen to him, Roy.
We're already in trouble.
I'm not going anywhere.
I'm not going anywhere
without you two.
Great! Two more heroes
cramping my style!
- I'll go.
- Stay right there!
( screaming )
- Oh, my God!
- What are we gonna do?
I see.
Get out of here!
Come on!
Finch: You creep!
Look out!
We're gonna drown!
Wait! The emergency hatch,
come on!