- Hey, how'd you do?
- How did you do?
Well, as the expression goes,
- he's. . . dead.
- You took him out?
Didn't have to.
Seems even our friend. . .
knows a bad guy
when he sees one.
I couldn't shut it off.
We can dump it over the side,
to save the ship at least.
If there's anything else to save.
The creature's ripped it half apart,
it's coming back for more.
All right, why don't we shove it
down the damn thing's throat?
- Shaw, this is serious!
- He's got a point.
What have we got to lose?
If we get one more chance
to blow this thing up--
The submersible!
Look, just get me to it,
- I'll handle it from there.
- No way, Shaw.
Turner. . . !
Look-- don't you take this
away from me.
All right.
You got three minutes,
50 seconds.
Here, my bronze star--
for luck.
Special Agent Turner.
You know, I've heard about
the kind of luck you have, Shaw,
but, uh. . . thanks,
I know this means a lot to you.
Guys, come on.
You're getting me all teary eyed here.
Come on,
get the hell out of here.
Go, go.
I'll see you
on the other side.
Why did he say that?
How much time does he have?
Don't ask!