Oh! Soo-jung

Producer Kwon made a mistake.
He drank too much tonight,
and he was out of line.

Let's just leave it at that.
Are you saying that I'm accusing
a completely innocent person?

I'm not talking about him
being drunk tonight.

I'm talking about his integrity.
His integrity. You know!

He was out of line
because he doesn't know about us.

Him not knowing has
nothing to do with it.

What about him touching you,
like your legs?

Is that also because
he didn't know about us?

Stop it!
We didn't tell him,
so it's our fault, too.

Funny. Very funny.
An innocent mistake
because he didn't know, huh!

Soojung, are you in love
with him or something?

How very funny, mister!
Was it so wrong for me to ask you
to keep our relationship a secret?

Were you that offended?
How can you not know
how I feel about you?

No, its not okay.
I don't want our relationship
to be taken as a fling.

I don't want other people
gossiping about us, either.

Or him staring at us with
a knowing eye.

This is really important to me.
You know? Our relationship is.
Alright, okay.
Let's just keep it between us.
Soojung, you don't know
what I really want.

I really want our relationship
to be really meaningful.
