Tell us the story
about The Mansions, da.
Yeah, da,
tell us about The Mansions.
Fair enough.
Do you want to hear
the whole thing?
From the start.
Long, long ago,
years ago before you were born
and your ma and me and Auntie Lisa
were very young
we all lived in a place
called The Mansions.
All our grannies and grand-dads
and brothers
and sisters and all our pals.
It was brilliant.
It was like a big hotel...
built specially for us
and all our mates.
And when I was young,
I used to think
God was smiling down on us.
Putting a special glow around us
so we could do as we pleased.
Go about our business with
no-one getting in our way.
And that it would never change.
Tell us about the bailiffs, da.
All right, so.
Do you know what bailiffs are?
They're just like gods
but they're worse.
Much worse.
So... one day...
this was before you were born.
I was coming home
after working hard all day.
And I saw them -- the bailiffs
attacking our homes.
Big bastards with hammers and
knives and all sorts of things.
But that didn't stop me
when I saw what they were at.
I went for them.
We fought for hours.
But there was too many altogether.
So, your ma and me and Lisa
we barricaded ourselves in
and we wouldn't come out.
You're need gonna take our homes
away from us.
And they couldn't get in,
no matter how hard they tried.
They huffed and they puffed,
but it was no use.
And all around us...
we could hear
the screaming and wailing
of our friends and neighbors
as they tore their houses
to little pieces.
Like savages they were.
They tried everything
but they didn't know me.
I wouldn't budge.
No matter if they brought the
whole place down around our ears.
And then the Mayor came!
That's right.