Ordinary Decent Criminal

No, gotta call Billy,
tell him what's happening.

Jesus! Fuck 'em!
Who was with you at the bank?
It was Stevie.
No, no. Did Stevie drive the car?
Stevie drove the car, right?
That's right.
And Tony Brady was with you, yeah?
You see,
we know what you did, Lynch,

doing jobs
while you're out on bail.

And we have proof boy.
All you have to do is say,
''Yes, that's just the way it was''.

You drove to the courts
on a motorbike

and then you switched
at the last moment, right?

Fifteen minutes,
that's easy on a bike, Lynch.

Give us an answer,
you fucking gobshite!

All right, Con. Take it easy.
Shall we start all over again,
shall we?

You weren't with either of
your two wives Monday night

we know that much.
So, Michael, if you weren't
with the two ugly sisters

don't tell me you were off
banging some other old slag?

I realize you're not a golfing man,
Detective Sergeant

the Association of Inspectors

and Superintendents Annual
Four Ball

had to be cancelled today.
Now, why do you think
it had to be cancelled?

Well, I did mention to you, sir,
that things like this usually
happen when we try to inter...

Don't be the smart Alec with me,

I haev to tell you,
there's a lot of very unhappy
golfers here today.

This is vital rest and recreation
for senior officers.

Do you understand the importance
of this, Detective Sergeant?

Well I do now, sir.
Are you trying to tell me
''I told you so''?

I'll tell you someting,
Detective Sergeant...
