Ordinary Decent Criminal

And you know Customs...
while they're busy searching
bearded ex-hippies in their 2CVs

they'll be tipping
their hats at our pair

as they chugger, chugger through
at their usual
twenty-five miles an hour.

Then they drive all the way over
to the Cotswolds.

They've told me all about
this lovely hotel

it's so quiet and peaceful that
they always go back every year.

This is how I see it all happening,

It's not too far from Birmingham,

so I can fly in be at their hotel
inwhat, half an hour.

They'll be there taking afternoon tea
completely unaware

that they've a couple of
hundred thousand quids'

worth of gold
sitting outside in the car.

There'll be no more than,
what a dozen cars parked there

no security, so getting
at the car'll be no problem.

Bing, bang, boom. Get the gold
bring it to the fence.
Tom, it all sounds fine.
I'll see you when you get back, so.
Don't worry about it, Michael.
You can trust me.

Hi, Uncle Billy.
Come here to me, chicken.
Come here to me.

Oh, look at you.
My God,
are you an angel or a princess?

Isn't she gorgeous?
Come here to me. Tell me this would
that buy a few rosary beads eh?

Come here.
What do you say to Mr. Higgins?

Thank you.
No problem, love.
Good girl, good girl.
Now, come here to me, listen.

Go on uupstairs, right,
and I'll be with you
in a few minutes.

All right, chicken, go on.
Save us a dance, love,
will you?

Who's your man there
with Billy?

Higgins is his name.
Grew up around here all right.
Went to college, you know.

IRA I heard.
Funny thing, he looks more like you
than your brother does.

Same haircut anyway.
Yeah, yeah.
I'm telling you.
Yeah, I know, I'm not gonna
fuck it up all right?

Thanks for the lift.
Da, da, look what granny gave me.
