Get out of the car.
Get out of the fucking car!
Did you see their fucking faces?
Raferty van, that's it, that's it.
Get after him, Con.
Turn the car around, get her round!
Shut up. I'm, like, doing it.
Oh their tail.
We'll lose them, hurry up!
Would you, for fuck's sake,
just shut up!
Okay, we're up on them.
Right, steady as you go, Con,
steady as you go now.
Nice and handy.
The door's open, now's your chance.
What's the fucking matter with you?
It's only a picture!
Jesus Christ!
Come on.
I knew we were a country
that respects art.
You never mind if there's bastards
out there trying to get you.
They're only satisfied
when they can grind you down,
keep you poor, put you away.
They don't count. Not with us.
In fact, I think we can give them
the run around any time we like
cos they're only eejits.
Mentioning no names like.
And this thing of me becoming
a bit of a TV star lately
I want you all to know
it's not gonna change me
one little bit.
Come on,
I wanna show you something.
We're top of the ratings, lads.
They might even give us
our own series.
...valuable painting Caravaggio,
''The Taking of Christ''
was stolen in broad daylight
by an unknown criminal gang
posing as American tourists.
And none of them have
a fucking clue as to who did it.
Oh, you wanna see the bum shot?
What the fuck is a bum shot?