Passion of Mind

( Exhales Deeply )
( Electronic Beeping )
( Click, Beeping Stops )
( Moans Softly )
( Man On TV ) July has brought
the onset ofstorm season...

as HurricaneJulie
pounded the Eastern seaboard.

Hardest hit was the town of
New Halifax on the coast of Maine.

Normally a quiet
vacation community...

it is now an endless sea ofdebris,
broken homes and broken dreams.

With winds in excess
of 1 00 miles per hour...

the storm hammered
boats and homes for hours.

( Phone Rings )
- ( Phone Beeps )
- Hello? Oh, hey.

No, I can't bring you.
Because ex-boyfriends are
very awkward for business...

and especially
for the clients.

Yeah, even almost-exes.
Thursday, uh, I think
I'm in Chicago.

But you know what? I don't
have my book in front of me.

If I had a sister I'd set you up
with her, but you know...

that's what you get for
going out with an only child.

I'll call you later, okay?
