I like when you try hard.
Especially at, uh, things you
don't thinkyou're very good at.
- Mom, it's not that.
- Okay, okay!
You know, sometimes when things
come really easy to someone...
they think they have to be
perfect at everything.
- But we're not perfect, are we?
- No.
Do you know anything
that's perfect?
So why would you want to be
no one and nothing?
- Do you think that's me?
- Yeah, I do.
'Cause you'rejust like me.
( Girl ) Nanny, nanny, boo-boo!
You can't catch me!
- ( Girl #2 ) Yes I can!
- ( Sighs )
Ohh, ouch!
Damn it!
Twenty minutes now.
We've discussed the rain
and the roses and the hot cakes.
Why do I feel
you're avoiding something?
I'm so obvious.
God, I hate that.
How's the dream?
No, I said that awkwardly.
How is New York today?
New York was, uh, fii ne.
I'm not your shrink, baby.
I'm just the old girl who comes
and drinks your whisky...
plays in your garden.
I don't want
to see him,Jessie.
I don't-- I don't want
to see any Dr. Langer.
We had a deal.
Ayear ago, we said...
ifthis was still going on,
I wanted you to see someone.
We said?
You said.