Wait here.
Okay, you can look.
- ( Laughing )
- ( Laughing )
- It's beautiful. ( Chuckling )
- ( Chuckling )
( Both Laughing )
- Do you know what that taste is?
- No. What-What is this?
- Coriander. Coriander and fennel.
- And fennel, huh?
Uh-huh. Well, there's a trace--
a trace offennel.
Trace offennel.
I can taste that trace.
What about the zinc?
- Z-Zinc? ( Laughs )
- ( Laughing )
What are you doing?
Are you reviewing my food too?
- No!
- Yes, you are!
I'm a saucier. I spent two years
learning to do sauces.
I see. I'm sorry. When you should
have been learning to write...
you've been so busy
learning your saucing.
Oh, see, when you
should have been learning...