that both lives are so...
and so real to me that...
well, I don't know which one is
the dream and which one is real.
I don't even know
ifyou're real.
Are you sitting there saying, ""Shit.
How fast can I get to the door?""
( Laughs )
I-I'm real.
Well, you know,
that's what they all say.
I'm sorry.
It's, uh--
I've been analyzed
to death, and so...
I was thinking
maybe I could use a friend.
Well, you've got that.
( Sighs )
What can I do?
I don't know ifthere's
anything you can do.
But I thought...
if it was okay,
you could stay with me today.
( Dialing Telephone )
Hey. It's me.
I'm gonna take the day off.
Kiss their ass. You can tell them
the truth. I don't really care.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Okay. Bye.