Pay It Forward

Having a IittIe car troubIe?
That's a keen observation.
I can heIp you.
It's the Jag.
You want me to drive home in your car?
I want you to take my car.
I've had a Iot of Iuck IateIy.
I don't need it.

You're giving me a new Jaguar
and you don't want anything?

I can prove it. Give me your card.
I'II be in touch.
What, you want me to kiII your
wife or something?

Tempting, but, no.
CaII it generosity between
two strangers.

Generosity? It's a Jaguar.
You expect me to drive home
in a new Jaguar?

-That's right.
-You're a freak!

You are a freak.
You want me to get in this car? No way!
It'II probabIy bIow up.

That's reaI funny, bits and pieces of me
raining down in the street!

You think I'm going near that thing,
you're nuts!

Besides, I got a car.
Sort of.
