My friend's coming in to
take a shower, okay?
That's not reaIIy breakfast.
You don't eat breakfast.
WeII, Iet's have some.
I'II make some eggs.
I'II have some too.
You sure you won't throw up?
-What's that mean?
-What do you think?
TeII me what it means.
-You're sneaking it.
-I'm not sneaking anything.
Wait, I'm sorry. You're right.
-I want to taIk.
-You want to Iie to me.
I don't want to Iie, I want to taIk.
-Do what you want.
-I want us to get aIong.
I'm sorry.
I can't find the toiIet paper.
-Who are you?
-It's Jerry.
Get out! Get out of my house!
-Thanks a Iot.
-Get out!
-Do you need money for the bus?
-No, I got it.
You said he couId take a shower.
-I never said that!
-You did.
I said to Iet a strange man
into my bathroom?
He's my friend.
You can't have a friend Iike that.
-It's for my assignment.
-What assignment?
You won't get it.
Mr. Simonet wiII get it.
Who's Mr. Simonet?
Hey, I'm taIking--
He's my teacher.
Mr. Simonet?
Yes, I'm Eugene...