It's not a state secret.
Yeah? And?
It's an assignment I give out at the
beginning of every year to inspire.
I don't expect them to change the worId.
-You don't expect them to change--
-Excuse me.
It's to get them to think,
not waIk on water.
An assignment they can't do?
What kind of teacher are you?
I didn't say that.
They make attempts.
Now and then they cIean up graffiti--
This is my kid. You don't know him.
TeII him he can do something,
he'II beIieve you.
And when he can't, it'II wipe him out.
They ought to fire your ass
out of here right now.
They probabIy won't do that because I
fiIIed a very exceIIent quota.
I'm just this side of parking in
the bIue zone.
You think you can do whatever you want
because your face is messed up?
Why don't you put down in writing your
IittIe and Ioud compIaints...
...and I'II make sure they get put
in the suggestion box.
You are reaIIy something.
Thanks. I appreciate the euphemism.
I've aIways wanted to be something.
Can I heIp you with something, miss?
Mr. Thorsen. HoId up, man!
I've been waiting aII day for you.
-Why won't you return my caIIs?
-We're not friends.
I got the pink sIip for the car.
Quite a stocking stuffer.
-You can't accept it?
-No, that wouId make me a moron.
I just want to know about
these instructions.
Do what they say. Pay it forward.
-Because you've accepted the car.
-You're obIigated.
-What if I don't feeI obIigated?
What if I take my new car, get some
hookers and drive to Mexico?