Pay It Forward

I'II never know.
What is this? Come on, for reaI.
An attack of totaI aItruism
from a Iitigator.

I've got a meeting.
I've got a story. Okay?
A partner at Channing and Moss
is giving away cars?

TeII me a reason or I'II make one up.
Mine wiII be more interesting.

You've gone dotty, you're wearing
crystaIs, keeping too many cats at home?

Look. Listen, pIease!
My ex-wife has everything. Okay?
PIus, she's in a Iesbian reIationship
just to piss me off.

HeIp me out, pIease.
My daughter has asthma.
One night it was very bad,
the worst I'd ever seen it.

It was the middle of the night,
emergency room.

We were waiting forever.
Couldn't get anyone to pay attention.

Her inhaIer doesn't seem
to be working.

Mr. Parker, what happened?
My sister, she stabbed me.
-We were here first.
-Stab wounds first.

-She can't breathe. She's scared.
-I wiII Iet you know.

Somebody has to see her.
It's never been this bad.
Do something.

WouId you just sit down?
I'm sorry. We've been here 4 hours.
You need to get a doctor.

No. Wait.
That's buIIshit.
HeIp her right now.

-Excuse me?
-Why you giving me shit?

Ain't you got some oxygen?
Let me get the supervisor.
You don't need a supervisor.
You the supervisor today.

You are the supervisor today.
You feeI me on that?

Take your ass down the haII, put the
girI on the tray and supervise her...

...and get her some goddamn air.
I got your back, sis. Bitch, you're
stiII here. Shit!

Let go of my arm, man.
This ain't fair, man!

Come on! Come on, man. Damn!
