I thanked him...
...and there were specifiic orifiices in
which I was told to shove my thanks.
He toId me, ''Just pay it forward.''
Three big favors for three other
peopIe. That's it.
So it's Iike a pass-it-on thing, then.
You and this IowIife are in this chain
of do-gooders...
...a kind of Mother Teresa conga Iine?
That's a IittIe New-Agey for you.
Sort of Tibetan? Are you in a cuIt?
Mention my name, you'II be seIIing your
kidneys to pay for your Iawsuit.
The guy! What was the guy's name?
Sorry, I'm Iate for my mass wedding.
I know somebody's in here.
I know you're there.
Come out or I wiII find you
and shoot you.
PIease don't shoot.
You stay right there.
If I see you move one--
PIease don't pick it up!
PIease don't! I'm not moving.
What are you doing to my truck?
Let me show you. I'm just....
I'm just going to open the door, okay?