Pay It Forward

Might be easier for you to seII now.
Now that it works.

I didn't ask for your heIp.
You been Iiving in my garage?
Not after tonight.
Can I come around and....

I got a handyman job at the RoyaI MoteI.
They're giving me a room.

You stay right there!
PIease, I don't Iike guns.
What is going on with you and my son?
He wanted to heIp somebody.
Wanted to get somebody back on their
feet, so he gave me a IittIe money.

-He gave you money?
-Yes, ma'am.

That's his savings.
WeII, it's cIothes and shoes
and I got the job off it.

You think you can keep it?
Looks to me Iike you've got yourseIf
a IittIe probIem.

I can Iick it.
How's that supposed to happen
aII of a sudden?

You ever been on the street?
My mom took us pretty cIose.
WeII, you can't know, not untiI
you're Iooking at a dumpster.

But when you cIimb in the first time,
and puII the newspapers over you...

...that's when you know you've
messed your Iife up.

Somebody comes aIong Iike your son
and gives me a Ieg up...

...I'II take it.
Even from a kid, I'II take it.
I can't mess up again or I'II be dead.
I appreciate that you're trying to pay
back Trevor--

I'm not aIIowed to pay back Trevor.
-Then what is it you're doing?
-I'm paying it forward.

I know you want me to go.
I'II go.
What's paying it forward?
