Trevor has made an attempt to
interact with the worId...
...and that was the assignment.
And if I were an effusive person given
to easy praise...
...I wouId caII that...
The words from today:
utopian, enigma, quantum.
Add variegated.
I want you to go home--
-Hey, Mr. Simonet.
Were you just being nice?
About what?
About my idea.
Do you think it's good or were you
just being teachery?
Do I strike you as someone
faIseIy nice?
You're not even reaIIy aII that nice.
WeII, it was a sIip-up
and it wiII not happen again.
What happened to your face?
Did you draw the short straw today,
It's not a very pertinent subject to
sociaI studies, is it?
Go and teII them that's
what I said.
TeII who?
I'II see you tomorrow.