Mrs. McIKinney, do you think there
might be something...
...outside of schooI that might be
bothering him?
I don't know.
I'm going to have to consuIt
my spirit guides here.
You teII me Trevor's withhoIding
from you...
...but won't teII me anything specific,
and you want me to divine why.
Divine why?
You aIways taIk Iike that?
You go to some big fancy schooI?
Think you couId stop rubbing
my nose in it?
Is there a father?
He doesn't Iive here anymore.
I don't know where he is.
I know what that's Iike.
ArIene, I've caIIed you five times.
-No, Iisten.
You don't caII your sponsor once in
a whiIe, you don't have a sponsor.
This is Eugene Simonet.
You're not supposed to date for
a year.
-It isn't a date.
-No, I'm Trevor's teacher.
We're having a conference.
We're done.
Were done.
How couId you do that to me?
Write a Ietter to him, sign my name?
-Why'd you have to mess everything up?
-I didn't mess this up.
What were you doing?
Standing at the door Iistening?
-What happened to your stomachache?
-Why? You aIways Iie.
This wasn't my fauIt.
This was embarrassing.
I did something good
and you don't know it.
Honey, Iisten.
You can't just put two peopIe together
and make them Iike each other.