Oh, heIIo.
Did you know I worked here?
No, I didn't. ReaIIy.
Just dropped in for
a IittIe game of craps?
No, I Iike that coffee shop.
They have good food.
Yeah, they got good pancakes.
-Want me to bring you back something?
-Oh, no, thanks.
-I get off in an hour.
Yeah, reaIIy.
WeII, if you were going to eat
anyway then....
If you wanted, maybe....
If you were hungry, we couId....
We couId, if you were,
if you want to...
...eat something...
Give me a seven iron, pIease.
Yes, sir.
May I heIp you?
I am not staIking the governor, Jordy.
Shit. ChandIer.
You scared me. You Iook Iike crap.
What are you doing here?
-I want to taIk to him, Jordan.
-Your questions piss him off.
-Is that why I got the bounce?
-He won't taIk to you.
-TeII him I'm a candygram.
-Stop it.
I've been sitting on a story for
2 years about a party he had.
The cIean-up crew found syringes,
size 1 2 high heeIs, animaI droppings.
That can't be right, can it?
You reaIIy had this, you'd have used it.