They trained you for this, right?
Deploy lower air brakes now.
-Deploy lower air brakes now.
-Center ofgravity too far aft.
Recommendpurging ballast now.
What the.... Was that a purge, Fry?
Too heavy in the ass!
Can't get my fucking nose down!
Crisis program selected Number 2 in
the system because it shows some oxygen.
Maximum terrain:
220 meters over mean surface...
...largely cinder and gypsum
with some evaporite deposits.
Fry, what the hell are you doing?
I gotta drop more load.
I tried everything else.
I still got no horizon.
You try everything twice.
We don't just flush out--
If you know something I don't,
get up here and take the chair.
Company says we are responsible
for every single one of those people.
What, we both die
out of sheer fucking nobility?
Don't you touch that handle!
I'm not gonna die for them!
Air lock doors not secure.
70 seconds. You still have 70 seconds
to level this beast out.
Air lock doors not secure.